
Mint thyself

Published 6/28/2023. Last updated 11/2/2024.


Zora recently released HTML editions.


I get that NFTs are a somewhat polarizing topic, but I think fundamentally the technology behind them is neat. Who knows what will be built on top of these patterns in a few years.

To that point, HTML editions. Or as Zora put it, Mint internet.

When you upload your file to Zora, it is stored on IPFS, making it decentralized and as close to permanent as most end users will care to get. If your content links out to any external libraries, you’ll be met with an error message. So get ready to bundle any CSS or JS you want to include.

When content is minted on Zora, you are provided with an optional iFrame you can use to showcase the mint on an external platform. But an iFrame is standard HTML… Do you see where I’m going with this?

I threw together a simple HTML page that wrapped the iFrame and did a test on Goerli. It’s not possible to know what the mint contract address will be for your collection ahead of time, but you can update your content’s metadata. So once it had been minted, I was able to re-upload the HTML page with the correct contract address for the iFrame. And it worked!

Zora, mint thyself is an open edition. And fun fact: you can actually mint it from itself. It’s Pure Internet all the way down.